英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット42、“Make transactions”(取引を行う)を取り上げます。
セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2024年8月時点の情報となります
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Is this the right counter to make a deposit?
You can make that type of transaction at the ATM.
Sorry, you’ve reached the limit on your credit card.
To make a mobile deposit, take a photo of the check.
Tell me your account number and I’ll transfer the money.
You’ll need your passport to open a checking account.
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
I need to make a deposit soon. There’s no money in my checking account!
Lucy would like to open a checking account and make a deposit.
This is the last time I’m making a deposit to your account!
With our mobile deposits, you can make a deposit from anywhere with your phone.
How do I transfer money to my checking account?
I want to transfer money from the US to my bank account in Mexico. But the bank fee is so expensive!
I’ll transfer the money tomorrow. I try not to transfer money too often.
I couldn’t answer my phone when it rang because I was making a bank transfer.
Did you receive the money I transferred?
I got a message that said that you’ve transferred the money.
pay / payment
I try not to make any late payments. I usually make payments on time.
I can make the payment at the bank or online.
I meant to make the payments today, but the bank was closed.
I like not having to pay all my bills at the same time. I have to pay them on different days.
I decided not to make one big payment. I make smaller payments twice a month.
I’ll make the payment tonight since she asked me not to make it until later.
My bank has a transaction limit of 5,000 dollars per day.
Wow! You can do mobile transactions on your smartphone?
Sometimes there’s a fee when you make transactions with a credit card.
She has already shown me how to make a transaction on the app.
I considered not doing the paperwork today. But I can’t do it tomorrow.
I considered not completing the form because it was complicated. Should I complete it?
Have you considered not applying right now? You can apply later.
I considered not opening a bank account. Did you open one?
Have you considered not buying expensive coffee every morning? Then, you might have more money!
Yeah, I think we should consider other locations.
They must have been considered valuable.
Your ID should show your name and a photo of yourself.
Lily needs to read all the paperwork before she writes her signature.
He doesn’t have to go to the bank often. He likes not having to go.
I want to start a new business, so I need some money from the bank.
Yes, I’m happy you lent it to me!
I lent him money yesterday. I always lend him money!
Will the bank lend her money? They lent Tom money for his car last year.
The bank lent us ten thousand dollars so that we could start a new company.
That bank doesn’t often lend money to small businesses.
They lent you money last week, right? Why do you need them to lend you money again?
We didn’t have enough money to open our own restaurant, so the bank lent us a few thousand dollars.
Thanks for〜
Thanks for lending us the money for our business!
I can’t believe you found my wallet on the street. Thanks for not stealing it!
Thanks for choosing our bank for your company.
Thanks for not paying your bills late.
Oh, thanks for not spelling my name wrong!
OK, thanks for considering it.
right away
Why do you need the money right away?
The money will be in your account right away. It will just take a few seconds!
Yes, I’ll send you that information about your account right away! You’ll have it in five minutes!
What’s the limit on this credit card?
She doesn’t have to use her credit card often. She likes not having to use it.
I’m going to use cash because my accountant advised me not to pay for everything with a credit card.
Oh no, my credit card isn’t working! It has a limit of 3,000 dollars. Maybe I’ve reached it already.
We’re considering not using credit cards anymore. We’d like to only use cash.
Well, if she can afford it, I don’t see a problem.
I think we can afford about three thousand dollars.
I can’t afford a car because I spend all of my money on rent and food.
I suppose they can’t afford to pay us anymore!
If you can’t afford it, you should consider not buying it.
When I started my own business, I had to ask the bank for money.
She asked them not to talk so loudly at the bank.
Did you ask your bank?
I’ll make the payment tonight since she asked me not to make it until later.
(temporary) password
He only gave me a temporary password.
I forgot my temporary password, and now I can’t log into the banking app!
Please check your email for a temporary password if you can’t log in.
I try not to forget my password, but sometimes, I still forget it.
Don’t worry, you can get a temporary one!
bank teller
The bank tellers at my bank are very friendly and can answer any question.
No, I haven’t spoken with a bank teller yet.
Try not to say bad words to the bank teller this time!
Lucy thought, “Can’t this bank teller stop talking and give me the cash? I’m in a hurry!”
spend / cash
I’ve spent 500 dollars this week! I often spend a lot of money.
I’ve spent a lot of money this month. I usually spend less money!
Have you considered not sending cash in the mail? You can send a check instead.
I hate not having cash. I always have cash when I go out.
上記以外のhave / havingを使った表現
Fred lost his job last month. He doesn’t miss the work, but he hates not having money!
I like not having to go to the bank often. I only have to go once a month.
That bank won a prize for having the best mobile app.
And then I went to the ATM, and it said my balance was only 75 cents. What can I buy with that?
OK, let’s make a budget for the vacation.
But, Emma, I told you not to buy me anything for my birthday!
There was so much paperwork! I had to fill out ten different forms!
とてもたくさんの書類がありました!10 種類の用紙に記入しなければなりませんでした!
- I tried not to laugh when I saw the photo on his ID!
- When Tom got tickets to the World Cup, he spent several thousand dollars! The bank sent him a letter saying his bank balance was very low! Tom…
doesn’t have much money left
- Hi, Mom! Thanks for transferring the money to my account. You’re the best. Now I can stay in Italy for another month. Love, David. What happened?
David’s mom sent him money.