英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション6のユニット13、“Report what someone said”(誰かが言ったことを報告する)を取り上げます。
セクション6では「会話の中でより複雑な意見を伝える」(I can express myself appropriately depending on the context.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2024年10月時点の情報となります
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The couple asked how to get a loan to buy a new house.
We asked how much the house was worth.
They asked when we planned to move.
Did you ask if the salesperson could confirm the price?
He asked how much money we needed for the loan.
They asked for my driver’s license to confirm who I was.
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
asked if
Mr. Smith asked if we want to take a tour of the house today. スミスさんは、今日その家のツアーに参加しないかと尋ねました。
She asked if we were happy at the new company.
The man asked if we were interested in making more money. その男は私たちにもっとお金を稼ぐことに興味があるかどうか尋ねました。
My boss asked if I was good at typing quickly.
I asked if you were willing to work during the holidays. 休暇中に働く意思があるかどうか尋ねました。
Tom asked if I want to visit him in New York. トムはニューヨークにいる彼を訪ねたいかどうか尋ねました。
Monica asked if the house has two floors or one. モニカは、家は 2 階建てですか、それとも 1 階建てですかと尋ねました。
My colleague asked if I was ready for the presentation.
He asked if I’m sure about my decision. 彼は私が自分の決断に確信があるかどうか尋ねました。
Mom asked if the cat likes the new apartment.
My dad asked if she likes her new car.
asking if
She’s asking if I have a date for the party. 彼女は私にパーティーの日程があるかどうか尋ねています。
Tom’s asking if she likes Japanese food. トムは彼女に日本食が好きかどうか尋ねています。
Amy’s asking if we want to meet her new boyfriend tomorrow. エイミーは明日新しいボーイフレンドに会いたいかどうか尋ねています。
He’s asking if she has a date to the dance. 彼は彼女にダンスの予定があるかどうか尋ねています。
He’s asking if we are available tomorrow night. 彼は明日の夜空いているかどうか尋ねています。
asked how
Tom asked how many rooms we have. How many do we have? I can’t remember! トムは私たちには何部屋あるのか尋ねました。何個ありますか?思い出せない!
This house is amazing! Dad asked how old it was. Do you know? How old is it? この家はすごいです!お父さんはそれが何歳なのか尋ねました。あなたは知っていますか?何歳ですか?
The couple asked how to get a loan to buy a new house. 夫婦は新しい家を買うためのローンを組む方法を尋ねました。
Dad loves your new house. He asked how expensive it was. Well, how expensive was it? お父さんはあなたの新しい家が大好きです。彼はそれがどれくらい高価なのか尋ねた。さて、値段はいくらでしたか?
asked whether
When Mike’s friends asked whether he liked his new job, he said, “It’s a little stressful!”
During the interview, they asked whether I could start immediately. 面接ではすぐに始めても良いかと聞かれました。
He asked whether he should promote me or Albert. 彼は私とアルバートのどちらを昇進させるべきかと尋ねました。
ask if
Did you ask if we could pick up the chair tomorrow? Did we already pay the total amount? 明日その椅子を取りに行けるかどうか尋ねましたか?もう全額支払いましたか?
Did you ask if she bought that expensive fridge? Did she use her credit card? 彼女がその高価な冷蔵庫を買ったかどうか尋ねましたか?彼女はクレジットカードを使いましたか?
Did Mia ask if she could borrow money again? Did she take the credit card?
Did you ask if they had any discounts? Do they have good prices?
I suggest you wait and try again later. しばらく待ってからもう一度試してみることをお勧めします。
I suggest that you look at the items on our website. 弊社ウェブサイトの商品をご覧になることをお勧めします。
He suggested a more expensive vehicle, but I said no thanks.
What do you suggest we buy instead of that?
I’d suggest something casual. カジュアルなものを提案させていただきます。
Before you buy a motorcycle, I suggest that you learn to drive one first!
I’d suggest something casual.
She suggested that I buy a bigger car.
I bet Alex is jealous of us! She wants to be in a relationship too! アレックスはきっと私たちに嫉妬しているでしょう!彼女も恋愛関係になりたいのです!
You’re just jealous because I have a boyfriend, and you’re still single! 私には彼氏がいるのに、あなたはまだ独身だから羨ましいだけなのです!
Yes, I’ll admit it, I’m jealous! はい、認めます、羨ましいです!
My personal opinion is that she’s a bit too young. 私の個人的な意見は、彼女は少し若すぎるということです。
What’s your opinion on bringing my dog to the first date? 最初のデートに犬を連れて行くことについてどう思いますか?
What do you think of the city so far? I’d like to hear your opinion! これまでの街についてどう思いますか?あなたの意見を聞きたいです!
Guess what? I just got promoted! I’m the new manager!
I can get promoted in two years if I work hard.
Who was promoted to bank manager?
Did they promote you to manager yet?
Why should I waste money on joining a gym? I can just walk up and down these stairs for exercise! なぜジムに入会するのにお金を無駄にする必要があるのでしょうか?この階段を上り下りするだけで運動できるんです!
Let’s not waste our money. The old one isn’t broken! お金を無駄にしないようにしましょう。古いものは壊れていません!
I can’t believe you wasted all your money on a TV that doesn’t work!
I wasted lots of money when I bought that old boat.
Don’t waste your money on buying a new car!
Dad says I’m wasting my money by renting and not buying.
It depends
Should I buy a new car? I don’t know. It depends.
It depends on my mood. それは私の気分次第です。
We’re not sure if we should buy a new or a used oven. It depends on how much they cost.
Could you confirm your name and address, please? お名前とご住所を確認させていただけますか?
Bob confirmed that he bought shoes for two hundred dollars!
What do you think〜 / What are your thoughts〜
What do you think of the nightlife in the city? To me, it seems like there’s always something fun to do!
What are your thoughts on meeting my parents? Is it too soon? 私の両親に会ってどう思いますか?早すぎますか?
上記以外のpersonal / personally を使った表現
Personally, I think this is the best company to work for. Everyone’s easygoing, and the benefits are great! 個人的にはこの会社が一番働きやすい会社だと思います。みんな気さくでメリットも大きいです!
Personally, I don’t think you’ll like working there.
I don’t want to talk about that, it’s personal! それについては話したくない、それは個人的なことだ!
I hate dealing with banks. 私は銀行とのやり取りが嫌いです。
I regret not dealing with the people at the bank myself. 私自身も銀行の人たちに対応しなかったことを後悔しています。
I’ll never regret getting a loan to buy my first house. 初めての家を買うためにローンを組んだことは決して後悔しません。
Could you do me a favor? Could you teach my class tomorrow at three? I have a doctor’s appointment. お願いをしてもらえますか?明日の3時に私のクラスを教えていただけますか?医者の予約があります。
Anna really loves living here, so I bet she’ll stay. アンナはここに住むのがとても気に入っているので、きっとここに残ると思います。
Lisa asked where you live now. So, where do you live? リサはあなたが今どこに住んでいるのかと尋ねました。それで、どこに住んでいますか?
Ben feels sure about moving to a new country. It will be an adventure!
I bet pollution will be worse near the city because of all the factories and traffic!
If you don’t do the paperwork carefully, you might have to deal with lawyers later! 書類作成を慎重に行わないと、後で弁護士との交渉が必要になる可能性があります。
I admit that I fell in love the first time I saw you. 私はあなたを初めて見たときに恋に落ちたことを認めます。
I totally agree with you!
- Totally! People used to think smoking was healthy.

- To get a home loan, we’d have to deal with the bank. Personally, I think we should ask your parents if they can lend us the money first. They want to…
borrow some money
- My coworker doesn’t discuss her personal life, but I think she has a new boyfriend. She’s smiling and laughing and texting a lot. Her coworker…
looks happy
- Personally, I don’t think I should be promoted. They should promote Lisa instead. She would be a much better manager than me! The speaker…
wants Lisa to be manager
- Due to the extremely high house prices, we’ve decided not to buy a house right now. We don’t want to regret spending too much money. Houses are very…
- I’ll admit it. I’m a bit jealous of Hans. He’s not handsome, but he always has pretty girlfriends. Maybe they like his tight leather pants! Hans…
is popular with girls
- Hey, Bob, could you do me a favor? I want to get promoted, so I was wondering if you could tell the boss how amazing I am! Bob is probably her…
- Luigi, my sister asked if you enjoy living in Rome. She’s considering going there this summer and wants to know what you think of the place. His sister…
might visit Rome