英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット28、“Talk about Halloween”(ハロウィンについて話す)を取り上げます。
セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております
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Every Halloween, the kids eat too much candy.
Have you ever made your own costume?
Is that a witch costume?
Yes! Do you think witches are scary?
I think I’ll dress as a bat with big, scary teeth!
I need to put on more makeup, don’t I?
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
This kimono is very old and might tear easily, so please be careful with it!
This costume might tear easily because it is made of paper.
He wore a torn shirt, didn’t he? He didn’t buy a new one, did he?
Lisa bought an expensive costume, didn’t she? She didn’t already tear it, did she?
Oh no, I can’t buy that dress. It’s torn!
Bob’s pants were too tight. They tore when he sat down!
You didn’t tear the wings on your costume, did you? You put it on carefully, didn’t you?
He wore a torn shirt, didn’t he? He didn’t buy a new one, did he?
She tore her skirt, but why doesn’t she wear a new one? Oh, she doesn’t have another one!
This bat costume fit last year, didn’t it? It didn’t look too small, did it?
You should dress as a bat with big, black wings!
You shopped all day, didn’t you? But you didn’t find any bat wings, did you?
If I wear this dress and some black wings, I’ll look like a bat!
You didn’t dress as a bat last year, did you? You dressed as a tiger, didn’t you?
Mia looks cute dressed as a tiger, doesn’t she? She doesn’t want to change her costume, does she?
Her orange shoes match her tiger costume!
Why doesn’t she wear this witch costume?
My witch costume looks cool, doesn’t it? It doesn’t look strange, does it?
The shirt matches my pants, doesn’t it? It doesn’t look too small, does it?
Clara’s jewelry always matches and looks nice, doesn’t it?
Cool! Our pants match. They are the same color!
I want those shoes because they match my shirt!
You don’t have shoes that match, do you?
This skirt fit better when I was a teenager, didn’t it?
I think these shoes and this costume match. They look nice together, don’t they?
I wanted to be a princess, but the dress didn’t fit.
This costume fit yesterday. Why doesn’t it fit now?
Wow! My grandmother’s old dress actually fits!
My princess costume fit three years ago, but now it’s too tight.
This costume fit last year, but now it doesn’t!
That costume hasn’t fit in years. I bought it when I was smaller.
That shirt hasn’t fit in years! Oh, you don’t have another shirt, do you? Why don’t you go to the mall?
I want to dress like a chef, but this hat doesn’t fit me! It’s too big.
look scary
A clown, so that I can look scary and funny!
This makeup doesn’t look too scary, does it? But it looks scary enough, doesn’t it?
Ben looked like he was wearing pajamas, didn’t he? He didn’t look scary, did he?
look like
I look like a real doctor, don’t I?
I’m going to wear this beautiful dress so that I’ll look like a princess.
Tom looks like a spy in that costume, doesn’t he?
look good
This hat doesn’t look good, does it? The red hat looks better, doesn’t it?
Why doesn’t he wear those red pants? Oh, he doesn’t think loose pants look good, does he?
look fashionable
My costume looks fashionable, doesn’t it? It doesn’t look terrible, does it?
When I wear this costume, I want to look fashionable like a model.
Please tie that costume well. You don’t want it to fall down!
I don’t like tying these boots because it takes a long time!
This belt is made of paper, so I can’t tie it well.
You didn’t wear those tight pants at the party, did you? You wore a different outfit, didn’t you?
We don’t need to wear a special outfit to the holiday party, do we?
I’m shopping for a new outfit for the Halloween party.
don’t like
What don’t you like about my loose pants? Oh, you don’t like the color!
Why don’t you wear this loose shirt? Oh, you don’t like it, do you?
You didn’t buy those tight pants, did you? You bought a dress, didn’t you?
This shirt won’t be too tight on me. It’s the perfect size!
That shirt is very loose on you. It’s too big.
Why doesn’t he wear those red pants? Oh, he doesn’t think loose pants look good, does he?
What are you both going to wear?
Why don’t you wear this costume?
You didn’t wear those shoes to the party, did you?
You don’t need a ride to the Halloween party, do you? You have a car, don’t you?
The party doesn’t end at midnight, does it?
My daughter’s favorite holiday is Halloween.
We shopped at the mall the day before Halloween.
We didn’t buy enough candy, did we?
You got more candy than I did, didn’t you?
I want to go to every house in the neighborhood so that I get a lot of candy.
You don’t have a costume, do you? You need to get one soon, don’t you?
My friend helped me shop for new shoes.
Your mom made the horse’s head, didn’t she?
Oh! I’ll get you a belt.
Why don’t they want to tell anyone?
- My favorite costume is torn because my dog ate it.

- Every year, Anna has the best Halloween party. Everybody wants an invitation! Last year, I wore a bear costume and danced until sunrise! Anna’s party…
is well-known
- Have you seen Emma’s costume? She has just tied a black sheet around her neck! Do you think she forgot to prepare for the party? Emma’s costume…
doesn’t look very good