【Duolingo英語術】Section5-2 Order food delivery

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-2 Order food delivery


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット2、“Order food delivery”(フードデリバリーを注文する)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

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What’s inside that plastic container?

There are strawberries, but fruit isn’t enough for dinner!

I don’t want to cook, so let’s order delivery.

This app is the fastest way to order pizza.

This menu is making me hungry!

Yes, the pasta looks great, but will it taste great?

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)


I don’t really like fish. Let’s order something.

Our food can make us thirsty, so let’s order lemonade too.

Wow, Lisa’s steak looks delicious. I’ll order some too.

If the burger comes with a beverage, I’ll order some water with ice.

Oh, this chicken soup doesn’t look bad in the photo. I think I’ll order it.

I opened the jar of food, but it was empty. Let’s just order delivery!

Let’s order beverages too because Asian food always makes me thirsty.


This lemon soda is a little sour!

Why? Is it too sour?

This yogurt smells sour. I’m going to add some honey.



We have very little food in the fridge, but very few restaurants are open!

It’s late, and very few restaurants are still open. We have very little time to order.

My sandwich has very little meat on it.

I can eat very few dishes because I’m allergic to almost everything.

I really want a tuna sandwich, but very few restaurants make good sandwiches.

I have very little time and I’m hungry, but there are very few good restaurants here.

I have a delivery app on my phone, but there are very few restaurants in this neighborhood.

I have very few ingredients, but I need to bake a cake for ten people!

Lisa, very few restaurants are open today. Can I make you a burger instead?



There isn’t much sugar in the container, but there are many cookies!

We have so many containers in the fridge, but there isn’t much food in there.

Do we need so many cans of tuna? We don’t have much time now. Can we buy them later?


You look excited.

Oh, this pasta looks delicious!

The pasta looks great, but will it taste great?

I hope that tuna salad is delicious. It looked delicious in the photo. It made me so hungry!


I want to make a strawberry cake, but we don’t have any strawberries.

Do they really serve drinks in coconuts?

Look at this fresh coconut! Let’s drink the water inside and then eat it.

Let’s buy some pineapple for the fruit salad.

Great idea! How about pineapples?

I like fruit, but I really hate pineapple.


This soup smells sweet, but I don’t think it is sweet. Here are utensils if you want to try!

I don’t have any forks or knives at home. Can you please put some utensils in the bag?

I don’t need utensils. I already have a fork, knife, and a spoon.


Do we have something to drink at home? Grilled fish makes me thirsty.

Would you like to order some soda? The pizza can make us thirsty.

I didn’t have any food or beverages today. Watching you eat is making me hungry!

Lisa’s making coconut cake! Watching her bake always makes me hungry.

Ordering food is making Zari hungry!


The total was only ten dollars! The pizza looked big online, but it is not big.

I need to choose a payment method, right? I prefer cash.

Which payment method do you prefer? Cash or card?

I received a discount, so the total was only twenty dollars!


Seeing the expensive total made us nervous.

Waiting for the delivery always makes me nervous!


Here is our location on the map.

What’s the location of the pizza party? I don’t know where it is.


I love this restaurant! Their sandwiches taste great!

Wow, this food tastes so good! It’s delicious.

It’s a great restaurant, but there’s very little information online, so very few people know it.

What other flavors do they have?

I love the flavor of this ice cream. It’s so sweet!


Can we get one of those jars of small fish?

How much milk is in that container? And how many boxes of cookies do we have?


This app is so slow! It makes me angry.

This omelet has few ingredients. You just need milk, salt, and some eggs.

Water, juice, tea, coffee, soda, wine, and beer are all beverages.


今回のsilly sentence
  • When Ben saw a hair in his food, it made him afraid to eat it.
  • This pasta tastes sour! Do you think it is sour? This food is making me sick!






Let’s order some French bread for dinner. If we don’t eat it all tonight, we can have a little toast and jam for breakfast tomorrow!  Which is probably true?

The bread is for two meals.

Listen to this description: “Pasta with Italian sausage and mushrooms in a delicious butter sauce.” Just reading that made me hungry!  The speaker is…

reading a menu





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