【Duolingo英語術】Section5-7 Catch up with old friends

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-7 Catch up with old friends


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット7、“Catch up with old friends”(旧友との再会)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

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  • ユニットでは問題・回答とも日本語訳が出てきませんが、独自に日本語訳を少しずつ付けていきます
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Good to see you, Maria, what’s up?

Hey! We haven’t hung out since high school!

Did you ever give up meat and become a vegetarian?

Yes, I became a vegetarian after I worked on a farm.

Cheers to the best class of Sun City High School!

Let’s ask the DJ to play our favorite song.

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)

このユニットでは、「hang outとhanging out」の穴埋め問題が多く出題されます


Are you still in contact with your classmates?

Tom and I haven’t been in contact with each other for many years.

I’m not in contact with my friends anymore because we’re busy.

Have you been in contact with your school friends all these years?

We haven’t really been in contact since high school. We don’t speak much.

友達と遊ぶ・お出かけする(hang out)

Tom and Ben usually hang out at the café! They like hanging out together.

My friends and I usually hang out at the movie theater.

We always hung out in high school. I’d love to spend time with you again.

Lisa and I always hung out at my house in high school.

I loved hanging out with Maria! We were best friends. Who did you hang out with?

I like hanging out with my friend, but we’re too busy! We don’t hang out often anymore.

It was so fun when we could hang out on campus.

We’ve hung out ten times this week! We spend too much time together.


Oh yes, she’s a classmate of mine.

I want to introduce you to my classmate!

Hey everyone, meet Kevin. He’s a coworker of mine.


Anna is such a good DJ! I love her music.

Wow, the DJ is playing good music!

I’m just saying that some people prefer DJs.


We always say “Cheers!” when we drink wine.

Cheers! It’s so nice to have a drink with old friends!

Cheers! We’re going to make a lot of money together! 乾杯 一緒に大金を稼ぎましょう


It’s a shame that Max was not able to come to this year’s party.

This present is Ben’s, right? It’s a shame that Ben couldn’t come.


I don’t know anyone at this party. Can you introduce me?

I just came here for the party. I live in Boston now. You should come for a visit!

Yes, it’s an annual party.

I’m going to wear this dress to our annual party.

Mia had a graduation party when she finished school. That’s where we met!


I’ve given up coffee! Kevin gave up coffee too, so he only drinks tea.

No, I don’t need that in my coffee! I gave up sugar last year.

I gave up chocolate last year. Now, I want to give up coffee.

Oscar has given up wine, so he’s not going to drink it. オスカーはワインを断念した。

Mia can’t give up snacks, but she gave up soda ten years ago!


Tom and I haven’t gotten together since college because we’re too busy!

Oh, we haven’t gotten together since 2012.


My teachers had curly hair. Do you remember your teachers’ hair?

Oh well! I think you look great bald!

Kevin is bald now, but in high school he had really long hair.


Come, let me give you a hug.

When I said bye to the cat, I put my arms around him and gave him a hug.


Sorry, I’m late! I had to go to my sisters’ graduation. Tom, I saw your sisters there too!

My dad calls my mom “honey”.

Honey, do you remember my roommate Mia?


That phone is my wife’s.

Wow, you look so pretty! Is that dress your sister’s?

It’s time to get our coats. Anna and I both have red coats. This one is Anna’s.

This purse is Emily’s, but Emily left already! I’d like to call her, except that I don’t know her number.


Mia has become a vegetarian since college, so she doesn’t eat meat anymore.

Yes, I always choose vegetarian dishes.


I think that’s my friends’ table. Come, I’ll introduce you to my friends.

Tom and Ben are good friends of mine. That’s my friends’ table, so you can meet them!


I think about you often. I thought about you yesterday.

Yeah, I’m surprised that she’s become so outgoing.

Hi, Maria! What’s up?

I’d like you to come to the dinner with me, honey.

I really want to stay and watch a movie, except that I’m really tired.

Zari and her friends get together every year.








Tonight will be so fun! My old classmates and I are getting together at a restaurant downtown. I haven’t seen most of them for years!  speaker saw his friends…

The a long time ago

I’d like to stay in contact with you, except that I don’t have your number and I forgot my phone. Could you write your number on my hand?  The speaker’s asking for…

someone’s information





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