【Duolingo英語術】Section5-12 Describe a wedding

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-12 Describe a wedding


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット12、“Describe a wedding”(結婚式について説明する)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

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Today is Ben and Lisa’s wedding!

What time will the ceremony start?

The bride and groom usually exchange rings.

The musicians won’t start playing until we’re ready.

I’d like to stay till the band finishes this song.

He stood in the hall and said goodbye to the guests.

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)

このユニットでは、standとstood、surprisedとwas surprisedの使い分け問題に注意です


Julia’s father stood next to her during the ceremony.

I usually don’t like to stand next to my tall friend, so I stood next to my younger brother.

The groom stood next to the bride.

I’m tall, so I didn’t stand on the chair, but my brother stood on it because he’s short.

They told us to stand until the wedding was over, so we stood for an hour. Now my legs hurt!

I stood when the bride entered the room. Did you stand too?


My parents greeted the guests when they arrived at the wedding.

We will greet the guests before he greets them.

Tom greeted his cousin with a hug.


My dad surprised us with a car! My wife cried because she was surprised.

Maria and Ben won’t buy a house until they get married.

They prepared my favorite traditional food for the wedding.


Cool! Are they leaving right after the wedding?

After the wedding, all the guests drank champagne to celebrate.

After their wedding, Mia and Kevin exchanged gifts.

After the ceremony, the bride gave the groom a kiss.


A polite bride and groom will thank the guests for their gifts!

Yes, we need to thank her!

The bride and groom thanked their guests for the wedding gifts.

After the ceremony, Hector and Mia thanked all their guests for coming.


The ceremony lasted about two hours.

The party after the wedding lasted all night.

How long did the ceremony last?

How long will the ceremony last?

In some countries, a big wedding can last for many hours or even days!


I think the party will be over soon. The ceremony was over five hours ago!

We can’t leave till the ceremony is over.

Tom arrived after the ceremony was over. Lunch will be over soon, so he has to eat now.

The music was over an hour ago, and the party will be over very soon too.

Lunch will be over in ten minutes, right? The ceremony was over two hours ago!


Will you wear a traditional wedding dress or a modern one?

I wore the long dress instead of the short one.

The bride’s mother is wearing a colorful dress.


Does someone have a bigger vase for these flowers?

Look at that beautiful vase!

Kevin and Jenna needed several vases for the flowers at their wedding.

One of the wedding presents was a beautiful vase.

Look at those beautiful roses!

Don’t worry, after I get ready, I’ll bring the roses.

The flowers will be delivered to your house.

I surprised Lisa with flowers. She was surprised to see me at the wedding.


She will play your favorite song before the musicians play other songs.

My brother’s a musician, so he’s going to play the guitar at our wedding.

He will meet the musicians before the guests meet them.

The musicians won’t play that song until they see the bride.

I was surprised because Ben sang for me. He surprised me with my favorite song!

The guests were surprised when I sang for them. I also surprised my wife with a song!

Will there be just one musician at the wedding, or a band?


Won’t that be like we’re celebrating him leaving?

Wow, how will you celebrate the anniversary?


Yes, she’ll deliver the cake after she checks the address.

I’m too tired to pick up the wedding cake. I’ll pay someone to deliver it.

The bride is upset about the flowers, but she’ll feel better after she sees the cake.


I don’t think the baby will stop crying till her mom comes!

Where is the bride? Tom, she’ll come here after she gets ready, right?

Look, Duo is here for Anna and Ben’s wedding! How do you think he knows them?

Kevin and I will go to the mall before he goes to the wedding.


Congratulations on getting engaged to your partner!

I’m so excited because my best friend is engaged to my brother!


They will become husband and wife.

I’m tired. I want to drive home instead of walking, if that’s OK.

Sarah always says her favorite relative is her funny uncle John.

Lisa’s not that hungry, so she’ll eat after she takes pictures with the bride.








The ceremony lasted three hours. Some people fell asleep or started looking at their phones. A few babies started crying.  The wedding was…

too long

Two years ago, my friend Ben got engaged to Maria. Today, they’re finally getting married! I’m so excited! It’s going to be so much fun!  Today, Ben and Maria…

will get married

A little boy asked the bride to dance with him. She said yes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The boy smiled and his face got bright red!  The boy’s face was red…

because she kissed him

The kids will be bored inside the church, so I’ll take them outside. They can play at the small playground until the wedding is over.  The kids…

will play during the wedding





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