【Duolingo英語術】Section5-9 Discuss social media

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-9 Discuss social media


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット9、“Discuss social media”(SNSについて話し合う)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

  • 2024年7月時点の情報となります
  • 核になる表現はそのままで、単語や細かな言い回し等が変わることもございます
  • 英語の文章表記は、公式の表現をそのまま使用しております
  • ユニットでは問題・回答とも日本語訳が出てきませんが、独自に日本語訳を少しずつ付けていきます
  • 最新の情報につきましては、公式ホームページやアプリでご確認下さい
  • 参考情報としてご利用ください。本情報のご利用に基づくいかなる損害に対しても責任は負いかねます



Don’t share any private information online.

Yes, many people use social media to chat with friends.

Technology has changed the way we communicate.

People will love you after they read your blog!

Ben thinks none of the news online is true.

I’m worried about the effects of social media on our lives.

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)



Lily doesn’t like to write about her private life on her blog.

Well, none of my music is on his blog! Actually, there’s no music there.

Have you heard about her new blog? It’s too boring!

I’m sorry, but I’m really hungry! I will read your blog after I eat!

I write about different topics on my blog.

I just heard about Ben’s blog. Should I write my own?

I will write about our story on my blog after you write on your blog.

When he visits interesting places, he’ll post photos on his blog.

Kevin posted a description of his blog online.

Her blog is about different topics, like sports and music.

The topic of his blog is fashion.

I wasn’t surprised about your blog, but it’s surprising that you like to write.

When she quits her job, she’ll post on her blog every week.

When we have time, we’ll post more stories on the blog.

When I start my own blog, I’ll choose a more interesting topic.

Have you heard about Ben’s new dog? Ben started a blog about him.


Please exit the websites before you close the laptop.

Before you exit the website, don’t forget to save your work.

Can you send me a link to my roommate’s website?

Can you send me a link to your website?

I just heard about Anna’s website. Anna told me about it.

Ben’s website is so surprising. I can’t believe that he made it by himself.


I don’t put photos of my kids online, those are private.

Tom never posts anything interesting.

Have you seen the photos she posted yesterday

I take a lot of pictures because I like to post them on social media.

I love this photo! Let’s post it online.

I posted a photo by accident and Grandpa saw it. That’s not what I wanted!

In general, we will post on social media after we ask our customers.

Mia and Tom will post pictures from their trip on social media after I post mine.

More people will add you as a friend after you add photos with that actor.


I like to read about important issues during lunchtime.

I was surprised when I read it. It’s a really surprising story.

Ben will read my post after you read it.


What effect does social media have on our lives?

Social media can have a bad effect on our health.

None of the information is true, so I’m going to delete this app.

This is a great app. How did you hear about it?

I haven’t heard about that app. What is it?

In general, I don’t use social media. I prefer to talk on the phone.


I don’t need those documents because I’ve received them as an attachment!

In general, email is easier to use than mail. But sometimes, it’s not.

Can you please include the file as an attachment to this email? Thanks.

When I type messages, I often spell words wrong.

Tom, you will send the photos as an attachment after you look at them, right?

In general, he will reply to emails after he gets home.


There’s no time to check now. Mia, none of the information is true, right?

Well, there’s no time right now, but none of the information is correct!

None of my friends call me because they’re too busy. I’m so sad.


Oh no! Please delete that photo! I hate it.

Oh, has she deleted it


An issue is a big question without a clear answer.

One big issue in my country is the price of food. We discuss it a lot online.


No, but he’s been online all this time.

Lily is writing in her notebook because her computer is completely broken.

Yes, I will help you with that after I exit the game.

I think computers have a bad effect on our eyes. I have to wear books now!

Grandma doesn’t like new technology. She writes me letters on paper.








Cell phone technology is amazing! I can order food, read a book, buy a shirt, and talk to a friend all from my phone. It’s great!  The speaker thinks…

technology is good

Mia opened an email from her dad. He sent photos of his dog. Each picture was a different attachment. There were thirty attachments!  Mia’s dad sent her…

a big email





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