【Duolingo英語術】Section5-13 Share memories

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-13 Share memories


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット13、“Share memories”(思い出をシェアする)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

  • 2024年7月時点の情報となります
  • 核になる表現はそのままで、単語や細かな言い回し等が変わることもございます
  • 英語の文章表記は、公式の表現をそのまま使用しております
  • ユニットでは問題・回答とも日本語訳が出てきませんが、独自に日本語訳を少しずつ付けていきます
  • 最新の情報につきましては、公式ホームページやアプリでご確認下さい
  • 参考情報としてご利用ください。本情報のご利用に基づくいかなる損害に対しても責任は負いかねます



How strict were your parents when you were a kid?

My dad was very strict when I was a kid.

My dad played the trumpet in a jazz band.

My family used to live in a quiet neighborhood.

I used to play tennis, but now I don’t.

I used to love making pies with my mom.

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)

このユニットでは、standとstood、surprisedとwas surprisedの使い分け問題に注意です


When I was a kid, I hid my mom’s key somewhere. She never found it!

When I was a kid, I hurt my knee and couldn’t walk for a week. My knee is fine now.

When he was a kid, he used to play in the dirt. He could play in the dirt for hours!

I used to love playing in the dirt when I was a child.

I caught a big fish at the river when I was a kid. I still catch fish every weekend.

Ben is my best friend from childhood. I have known him since I was 6 years old.

I was shy, so I didn’t talk a lot when I was a kid.

He used to dance with his big sister. He danced a lot when he was a kid!


My little sister and I had a happy childhood. It was more difficult when we became adults.

Yes, I loved my childhood!

I didn’t have many friends, but I still had a fun childhood.

In the summer, I used to catch colorful bugs. I could catch 10 different bugs in one day!

I used to love bugs when I was a kid, but now I think they’re scary!


I used to see frogs jumping in the river, but I don’t see them anymore.

No, I had a frog!

I once caught a frog in the river.

We used to see frogs in the lake all the time.

Junior used to have a pet frog. They often sang together.


I never knew Ben played the trumpet in school.

Do you play the trumpet well?


That’s really not a very funny joke.

She never used to tell jokes, but now she tells jokes all the time!

Anna and Ben love to joke and make each other laugh.

My sister and I always joked. We laughed so much!


My roommate and I used to play cards and other games.

I remember staying awake until midnight and playing games with my friends every weekend.

We played cards every night. We used to play cards with my grandma.


I kicked the ball, and we won the soccer game!

I used to play soccer a lot, and I often hurt my knees! I could play soccer well.

The kids in my neighborhood loved to play soccer in the park near our houses.

I always catch the ball when we played baseball. I loved to caught the ball!


I used to use this frying pan to cook eggs in the morning.

I never used to cook with this frying pan, but now I do every day.

I used to bake a pie every week, but now I am too busy.

He used to cook spinach omelets a lot. Now he cooks onion omelets too.


He never used to eat vegetables because he hated them!

Bob used to eat a salad for lunch every day. Now he prefers burgers.

He used to eat apple pie every day, but now he eats vegetables every day.


My cat caught a mouse in the yard ten years ago. My cat still catches mice every day!

We have caught several mice in our new house. We liked our old house better!

I caught a mouse in my kitchen when I was ten. I called him Bob.

Emma’s cat used to be shy. It hated when new people came in the house.


Our house was in a very quiet neighborhood.

I was a shy boy and was always quiet in the classroom.


When I was in college, I used to stay up late studying.

We liked to stay awake too!

Now, she stays up until eleven o’clock, but she used to stay up all night!


I never used to walk around this neighborhood, but now I do every weekend!

I never used to listen to music in my bedroom, but now I do.

My dad never used to walk to work, but now he does every day.


My grandpa used to hide candy in his car for me.

My little sister always hides my phone, so I never know where it is!


My dad used to live in this neighborhood.。

My dad was very strict. I always had to clean the walls if I made art.


Yes, I had to be home before 8 p.m.

Junior got shy when he had to talk to the school principal.


Yes, they visited my house every day after school.

I remember when my grandparents came over to meet my new baby sister.

It used to snow every day in winter. It snowed a lot!

Tom hurt his knee when he hit it on the door.








Emma has changed a lot since she was young. She used to be much shyer, but now she’s not afraid to talk to anyone!  Emma is now…

more outgoing

When he was a college student, Ben never used to wake up early. But now he does, because he has to arrive at his office by seven o’clock!  Ben is now…

working at a company





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