【Duolingo英語術】Section5-14 Talk about relationships

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-14 Talk about relationships


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット14、“Talk about relationships”(人間関係について話す)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

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We respect each other, so our marriage is successful.

My brother is dating my boss!

Do you know where they first met?

Daniel got a haircut before his date with Adam.

That barber knows how to cut curly hair.

My spouse has six sisters, so her family is huge!

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)




My new neighbor is a firefighter!

Firefighters fight fires!

Do you know when she met that firefighter? And when did she get married to him?


My girlfriend’s dream is to become a dentist.

No, she met a dentist instead.


My wife is a lawyer. She helps people who have business problems.

Lisa and Bob are a great couple. Lisa works as a lawyer.


My best friend’s husband is a barber. He uses special scissors to cut hair.

Ben and Tom got a haircut together. Their hair is shorter now.

Mike got a new haircut. He looks like a completely different person!


My neighbor is retiring early next year. He’s only 50 years old!

My neighbor wants to move to Mexico when she retires.

Do you know when he retired? And when did his wife retire?

My neighbor is retiring early. He said he will play golf every day.

Yeah, he retired ten years ago.


Why does he fight with his spouse a lot? Do you know what he fights with him about?

Do you know when they started dating?

Where did he meet his spouse? Do you know how he met him?

Do you know how they met? And how did they start a relationship?

Do you know where she met her husband?

Do you know when he moved to London? When did he meet his British boyfriend?

Do you know when he learned British English? When did he live in the UK?


Where did she live before? We don’t know where she lived. She isn’t very honest!

My son and his wife still don’t know where they want to buy a house.

Where does he live? He says he is honest, but we don’t know where he lives.

Ben is dating my brother, but we don’t know when he moved here. When did he move here?

We never see his annoying boyfriend. We don’t know when he visits. When does he visit?


He gave his niece anything that she needed. He gave her whatever she wanted.

Lisa is an author. I read anything that she writes. I listen to whatever she says.

We trust each other. I give her anything that she wants. I give her whatever she needs.

My partner is a very popular author, so people will buy whatever she writes.

I give my niece whatever she wants. I give her anything that she needs.

I usually cook anything that I want because my niece will eat whatever I make.


They have been married for twenty years. They have a happy marriage.

My grandparents have a great marriage! They’ve been married for thirty years.

My niece’s dream is to have a happy marriage like her parents.

Their marriage is wonderful! How long have they been married?


Lisa’s parents are divorced. They live in different cities now.

Is it true that Kevin is divorced?


My mom never respects my decisions. She doesn’t agree with me.

I was a shy boy and was always quiet in the classroom.

Anna and Mia are a successful couple. They love and trust each other.

You don’t listen because you don’t respect me.

After being married for 60 years, Tom still loves and respects his spouse, Marie.


Yes, your husband’s a great guy.

Maria’s spouse is a wonderful wife. She’s really great.

Ben is the most honest person I’ve ever met.


My boyfriend is British. He grew up in London.

My sister is a lesbian. Her girlfriend is British.

Is Ben’s boyfriend British or French?


Lily’s dream is to play the guitar with her favorite band.

It’s my wife’s dream to go to Mexico! She’s always wanted to travel the world.


My nephew is 7 years old. He’s my sister’s son.

I’m sorry your baby sister cries all the time. That is annoying!

My nephew, Tom, is my sister’s son.

Oh, that’s nice. What’s your niece’s name?


That’s true in all relationships.

I have a great relationship with my neighbors. They are very friendly.


My girlfriend lives in a huge house!

My neighbor is blind now, but he could see when he was younger.

We’re going to a gay bar tonight.

The roses that my partner gave me were huge!

Kevin’s not dating anyone right now. He’s single!


今回のsilly sentence
  • Oh no! My sister is dating my ex!






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