【Duolingo英語術】Section5-11 Tell a fairy tale

【Duolingo英語術】Section5-11 Tell a fairy tale


英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション5のユニット11、“Tell a fairy tale”(おとぎ話を語る)を取り上げます。



セクション5では「幅広い話題について文章を作る」(I can participate in daily life in English.)ことがテーマになっております

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The queen lived in an old palace.

The princess fought the bad queen and won!

Her glass shoe got stolen when she dropped it.

The prince rode quickly towards the palace.

The king put his hand up and waved at the people.

After they won, there was a celebration at the palace.

  • 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
  • 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)



The people waved at the prince when he returned home.

The prince waved his hand at the princess when he saw her.


The prince got lost in the woods.

Did the king get lost in the forest?

The prince got lost in the woods. He also lost the magic ring.


The brave young man ran toward the princess to help her fight the monster.

Did the brave lion help the prince?

The brave young man was ready to fight anything dangerous that came his way.

Prince David is so brave!

The prince was brave when he hit the monster.


Do you have a candle?

Oh no! The king’s golden candle got stolen!

The prince used a candle because the room was very dark.

The king said, “If you get lost in the woods, use the magic candle.”


There was a monster behind the princess. The prince shouted, “Look out!”

When the monster arrived, everyone ran toward the castle.

Look out, Princess Emily! The monster is running toward you!

The princess fought the monster yesterday.

Oh no! Did the prince get hurt while fighting the monster?

After the monster was killed, there was a party with many beautiful fireworks.

The monster did whatever it wanted!


The bad queen did whatever she wanted.


How did the prince get hurt? Did the bad queen hurt him?

The monster hurt the king. The prince got hurt too.

The queen got hurt while she was fighting the monster. The monster hurt her leg.


At the end of the story, the cooks made a lot of food for the big celebration.

The king’s family had a celebration on New Year’s Eve. It was a great party!

When the war was over, there was a huge celebration. Everybody sang and danced.

There were beautiful fireworks by the lake.

The celebration that they had was great! Everyone brought food. They brought whatever they wanted.


My little sister gets excited when I tell her a story about the queen.

The prince and princess got excited when they discovered the key.

Zari got excited when the king found the key.

He’s getting excited! He always gets excited when we read stories.

Ben is getting excited because he’s seen the book in your bag. He gets excited when you read.


She discovered the missing ring.

The princess loved wearing shiny things, especially jewelry!

The queen loves shiny jewelry.

The king gives the queen whatever she wants. Look at all the shiny rings that he gave her!

The magic necklace gave the prince whatever he wanted. The thing that he asked for was fireworks!

The shiny watch that the king got from the queen was beautiful. She bought him whatever he wanted.

The queen covered her shoulders with a scarf.


There is a beautiful fountain in the garden.

There was a beautiful fountain by the trees near the palace.

The party that they had next to the fountain was fun. Everyone ate and drank whatever they wanted.

Did the silver box get stolen again?

They discovered the magic box, but it was empty!


It’s getting late, so I’m only going to read you one story before we go to bed.

Dad, can you read me the story about the people in the big palace?

Besides dancing, the princess also enjoys reading.

I love reading on this sofa! The leather cushions are so comfortable!

It’s getting late now, so we should stop reading. When it gets late, we have to go to bed!


The king said, “I’d like to give you a special gift. Ask for whatever you would like!”

The king did whatever he could to help the prince.


The king is fighting in a war at the beginning of the story.

He got angry when he was fighting. He was angry because he wasn’t strong!

Really? Who fought here?


Where did the prince discover the gold egg?

Look out, King! The wall is going to break!

The princess has strong shoulders because she exercises a lot.

The kind prince asked the girl to dance.

The princess’s cat always gets thirsty on hot days.


She carried her son on her shoulders.

Was someone getting married?

I’m not sad. I don’t get sad when people die in books.

He got hungry when he saw the farm. And when he was hungry, he was dangerous.








The kids discovered a strange room. Inside, it was dark, except for a few candles. They could just see a desk, a bed, and their missing cat!  What did the kids find?

their pet

The princess hated the monster! Besides its big teeth and strong arms, it also had scary red eyes. But she was brave, so she fought it!  The princess…

decided to fight

After the war ended, the prince and princess got married outside by the palace fountain. The staff prepared food for a thousand people!  The party…

was very big

A princess planned to get married to a foreign prince, who she loved, but a war began between their countries! They could not meet anymore.  The princess…

couldn’t get married

The Queen was crying when she found the King. “Oh, my husband, our daughter has gone! And she took all the gold objects from our shelves!”  Their daughter…

stole some expensive things

When Tom took a book from the shelf, his daughter got excited! She loves listening to a story before she goes to bed.  Tom is going to…

read to his daughter

A boy and a girl found a magic tree in the woods. The girl started to climb it. “Be careful! If you fall, you’ll get hurt!” shouted the boy.  The boy is…

worried about the girl





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