英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション6のユニット11、“Refer to extended family”(大家族に言及する)を取り上げます。
セクション6では「会話の中でより複雑な意見を伝える」(I can express myself appropriately depending on the context.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2024年10月時点の情報となります
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Your daughter and son-in-law are such a cute couple!
My in-laws are great, especially my mother-in-law.
You hadn’t seen them since the wedding, had you?
He’s the great-grandson of a famous artist.
Your great-grandfather looks like you in this photo!
We moved to Lima because my stepmother is from there.
We meet up with our extended family every Thanksgiving.
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
extended family
I hadn’t told you about my extended family, had I? 私の大家族のことをあなたに話していませんでしたよね?
Our extended family gets together for a family reunion every spring. 私たちの大家族は毎年春に家族同窓会を開きます。
I’m close to my extended family, especially my uncle Kevin. 私は大家族、特に叔父のケビンと親しいです。
During the holidays, my extended family usually gets together to share a meal. It’s nice to see all my cousins! 休暇中、私の大家族はたいてい集まって食事を共にします。いとこたち全員に会えて嬉しいです!
I hadn’t told you about my extended family, had I?
My great-grandmother still dresses up to go shopping at ninety years old! 私の曾祖母は90歳になった今でも、ドレスアップして買い物に行きます。
It’s so cool your great-grandmother is still alive! あなたの曽祖母がまだ生きているなんて、すごいですね!
My great-grandma is still alive! She is ninety-nine years old!
私の曾祖母はまだ生きています! 彼女は99歳です!
My great-grandfather was a farmer who moved to the US in the nineteen twenties.
Now, her great-granddaughter is the boss of the company. 現在、彼女のひ孫が会社の社長です。
I wanted Grandma to see her great-granddaughter, so I let her hold my daughter.
Her great-grandson had already started college last year, hadn’t he?
It’s wonderful that Bob has lived long enough to meet his great-grandchildren!
daughter-in-law / son-in-law
Your son and daughter-in-law hadn’t lived here very long before they moved, had they?
Your son-in-law hadn’t visited you in New York before, had he?
I’m about to have a son-in-law! My daughter is getting married!
私に義理の息子がもうすぐできます! 私の娘が結婚します!
sister-in-law / brother-in-law
I have four aunts and two sisters-in-law. 私には 4 人の叔母と 2 人の義理の妹がいます。
I have two sisters-in-law. Mia is married to my brother, and Emma is my wife’s sister.
My best friend became my sister-in-law when she married my brother! 私の親友は私の兄と結婚して私の義理の妹になりました!
My brother-in-law dressed as a clown for my son’s birthday party.
mother-in-law / father-in-law
My mother-in-law is a really good cook, and she often has me and my wife over for dinner.
And you still hadn’t picked up your father-in-law, had you?
Your father hadn’t met your in-laws before the wedding, had he?
My in-laws don’t live very close by, but I’m still very close to them. 私の義理の両親はそれほど近くに住んでいませんが、私はまだ彼らと非常に近い関係にあります。
stepfather / stepmother
My mom and my stepfather split up, so they’re moving out of their house soon.
After my parents split up, Dad met my stepmother.
My stepmother often says to me, “You need to clean up the floor before your father comes home!”
Emily hadn’t met her sister’s husband before the wedding, had she?
You hadn’t met Mom before you joined the army, had you? 軍隊に入るまではお母さんに会ったことがなかったのですね?
Do you have a babysitter? ベビーシッターはいますか?
When I was a kid, my babysitter was really nice, but she was a very careless person. 私が子供の頃、ベビーシッターはとても親切でしたが、とても不注意な人でした。
My parents went on a date and paid a babysitter to watch us once a month. 両親はデートに行き、月に一度ベビーシッターにお金を払って私たちを見てもらいました。
immediate family
They’d only invited the immediate family, hadn’t they? 招待したのは近親者だけですよね?
My immediate family is pretty small. It’s just my wife, my son, and myself. 私の近親者はかなり少ないです。妻と息子と私だけです。
close to
My brother lives close by, but I’m not very close to him.
I’m really close to my parents and we spend a lot of time with each other.
My mom lives close by. I’m close to her because I see her every day.
Tom has always felt close to his grandparents. He visits them often. トムはいつも祖父母を近くに感じてきました。彼は彼らを頻繁に訪ねます。
I don’t feel very close to my cousins, even though they live close by. いとこたちは近くに住んでいますが、あまり親近感を感じません。
Who in the family are you closest to?
She had got married when she was middle-aged, hadn’t she? 彼女は中年で結婚したんですよね?
What do you think, Mr. Bird? Is it normal for a middle-aged man to still live with his parents? I didn’t think so either. バードさん、どう思いますか?中年男性が両親と同居するのは普通ですか?私もそうは思いませんでした。
I have five aunts, four uncles, and fifty cousins! 私には 5 人の叔母、4 人の叔父、そして 50 人のいとこがいます。
I’m closer to my male cousins than to my female cousins. 私は女性のいとこよりも男性のいとこに近いです。
My cousin Amy is the first female doctor in our family. In fact, she’s the only doctor in the family!
split up
But you guys had split up once before, hadn’t you? でも、あなたたちは前に一度別れたことがありますよね?
I remember when I was five years old, and my parents hadn’t split up yet. 私が5歳のときのことを覚えていますが、両親はまだ離婚していませんでした。
I was in third grade when my parents split up. 両親が離婚したのは私が小学3年生のときでした。
I lived in Toronto when my parents split up. Now I live in New York.
Marco lived with his grandfather after his parents split up. マルコは両親が離婚した後、祖父と一緒に暮らしていました。
My mom and dad split up ten years ago. My mom lives with her boyfriend now. 私の母と父は10年前に別れました。私の母は今彼氏と住んでいます。
My parents had already split up before I was born, so my mom was a single mother. 私が生まれる前に両親はすでに離婚していたため、母はシングルマザーでした。
passed away
Grandpa passed away last year and we all miss him a lot.
My aunt passed away last week. 私の叔母は先週亡くなりました。
I love listening to my sister’s laugh. It’s so loud and funny.
You and your sister have the same laugh! あなたとあなたの妹は同じように笑います!
Wow, she must be nearly one hundred years old! うわー、彼女はもう百歳近くに違いありません!
His six-year-old niece had helped him, right? 彼の6歳の姪が彼を助けてくれたんですよね?
Your one-year-old son hadn’t spoken before yesterday, had he? あなたの1歳の息子さんは昨日まで何も話さなかったのですね?
My grandmother has a twenty-year-old cat that follows her everywhere!
I’m not in this photo because I wasn’t alive during our 1992 family reunion!
私がこの写真に写っていないのは、1992 年の家族同窓会の時には私は生きていなかったからです、
We had taken that photo right before Grandma’s birthday party, hadn’t we?
Yes, she had a good time! はい、彼女は楽しい時間を過ごしました!
Do you think they’ll ever get together again? 彼らが再び集まることはあると思いますか?
Grandma isn’t sure if her new parrot is male or female. おばあちゃんは、新しく飼ったオウムがオスかメスかわかりません。
Can you imagine being a prince? If you’re the oldest male child, you’ll be the next king!
Oh, he had already known about the surprise, hadn’t he?
I had mentioned that before, hadn’t I? 前にも言いましたね。
He hadn’t told you about his previous marriage, had he? 彼は前の結婚についてあなたに話していませんでしたよね?
You had been the only child for most of your life, hadn’t you? あなたは人生のほとんどを一人っ子で過ごしてきましたよね?
She had told you about her first husband before, hadn’t she?
- My dad actually loved being middle-aged. He said his favorite age was forty.

- Let me tell you about Max, my new great-grandson. He’s the cutest, funniest, sweetest little boy on earth. I could hug him all day! Who’s talking?
Max’s great-grandmother
- Hey, Grandma! When you were my age, you had already met your husband, hadn’t you? When do you think I’ll meet the man of my dreams? The speaker is asking…
when she’ll fall in love