英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション6のユニット39、“Talk about the arts”(芸術について話す)を取り上げます。
セクション6では「会話の中でより複雑な意見を伝える」(I can express myself appropriately depending on the context.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2024年11月時点の情報となります
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Have you heard of the small art museum on Fourth Street?
I’ve never been there, but it’s supposed to be amazing.
He was going to show us his most famous works of art.
Can I read you this poem?
I thought you’d enjoy this book of short stories.
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
work of art
He was going to show us his most famous works of art. 彼は私たちに彼の最も有名な芸術作品を見せるつもりでした。
At the museum, there are many beautiful works of art. 美術館には美しい芸術作品がたくさんあります。
This work of art is supposed to be worth a million dollars. この芸術作品には100万ドルの価値があるはずだ。
And finally, ladies and gentlemen, this painting is the artist’s most famous work of art! そして最後に、紳士淑女の皆さん、この絵はこの画家の最も有名な芸術作品です。
Anna enjoys creating copies of other people’s famous paintings! アンナは、他の人の有名な絵画のコピーを作成するのが好きです。
The real painting was lost, but the museum has a good copy of it. 本物の絵画は紛失しましたが、博物館にはその良好なコピーが保管されています。
Did your parents say they were going to come to the concert with us? あなたの両親は私たちと一緒にコンサートに来るつもりだと言いましたか?
Which concerts did you say were going to be on the third? 3日にはどのコンサートが開催されると言いましたか?
Did she say she was going to go to the concert alone? 彼女は一人でコンサートに行くつもりだと言いましたか?
Their next concert date is on the seventh. 彼らの次のコンサートの日は7日です。
At book club, Tom and Mia discussed who their favorite poets were.
Tom said he’d come to the book club today, but he’s feeling sick.
Grandma said the club would start next Monday. おばあちゃんは、クラブは来週月曜日に始まると言いました。
Well, she’s really busy, but she said she’d still go to the book club today.
We were going to get there early, but we didn’t arrive until six o’clock. 私たちは早くそこに着くつもりだったが、6時まで到着しなかった。
When did he say he was going to arrive? 彼はいつ到着すると言いましたか?
Tom was going to visit the museum, but he didn’t have time. トムは博物館を訪れるつもりだったが、時間がなかった。
They were going to walk to the museum, but they didn’t want to walk in the rain. 彼らは博物館まで歩くつもりだったが、雨の中を歩きたくなかった。
Sorry, I’ve never heard of that museum. Are you sure it’s in this city? 申し訳ありませんが、その博物館については聞いたことがありません。本当にこの街にあるんですか?
How long did he say intermission would last?
Too bad this play doesn’t have an intermission. I wanted a break. 残念ながらこの劇には休憩がありません。休憩が欲しかった。
During intermission, people leave the theater to use the restroom.
poem / poet
Kevin said he’d read my poem next, but he’s reading Max’s instead! ケビンは次は私の詩を読むと言ったのですが、代わりにマックスの詩を読んでいるのです!
Wonderful words poured into my head. It was the best poem I’d ever read.
Dear Lisa, I thought I’d write you a poem. It’s about how much I love you! 親愛なるリサ、あなたに詩を書こうと思いました。それは私がどれだけあなたを愛しているかです!
Wow, these poems are so beautifully written!
The young man would later become a famous poet. その青年は後に有名な詩人になりました。
The poet has a pen in her hand. She’s looking for the right words to write.
We can get some refreshments if you’re thirsty. 喉が渇いたら軽食をご用意いたします。
Where did they say the refreshments would be?
Oh my gosh, did you make that specially for me?
Mia, did you make this cake specially for my birthday? It’s so delicious!
ミア、このケーキは私の誕生日のために特別に作ってくれたのですか? とてもおいしいです!
Wow! You got that watch specially for me! How nice!
Hey, happy birthday! We thought we would come and surprise you!
I was going to surprise her, but she surprised me instead!
I was going to surprise you! 驚かせるつもりだったんだ!
I guess we can sit here. It seems like that’s what everyone else is doing. ここに座っても良いと思います。他の人もそうしているようです。
Yes, but they’ll play all their hits too, I guess. はい、でも彼らはヒット曲も全部演奏するでしょうね。
Oh, the concert’s going to start soon. I guess we should find our seats. ああ、もうすぐコンサートが始まります。席を見つけたほうがいいと思います。
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh! You’re the best. Thank you so much.
Oh my gosh, you brought Hans with you!
Oh my gosh! I didn’t know that you were going to be here!
なんと! あなたがここに来るとは知りませんでした!
Oh my gosh! These flowers are so beautiful. Thank you so much!
When Mia saw her old friend at the restaurant, she said, “Oh my gosh! I can’t believe you’re here!”
ミアはレストランで古い友人に出会ったとき、「なんてことだ! あなたがここにいるなんて信じられない!」と言いました。
No way! I didn’t know Vikram was on the cover of a book!
Oh my gosh! I didn’t know that you were going to be here! なんと!あなたがここに来るとは知りませんでした!
You never told me, so I didn’t know that Tom was going to come!
Did you know there was going to be such a long line? こんなに長い行列ができるって知ってましたか?
I know! It’s impossible to see them all in one day! 知っている! 1日で全部見るのは不可能です!
I didn’t know you were going to invite me to dinner!
I thought you wouldn’t read books with boring covers. つまらない表紙の本は読まないと思ってた。
How much did you think the tickets were going to cost? チケットはいくらだと思いましたか?
Which play did you think they would perform tonight? 彼らは今夜どの劇を上演すると思いましたか?
I thought you were going to be out of town this weekend, so I didn’t invite you.
The next scene hasn’t started yet, but I think the actors will fall in love!
What time did Max say he was going to pick us up? マックスは何時に私たちを迎えに行くって言いましたか?
What time did they say the play would start?
Monica said she would be here! モニカはここに来るって言ったのよ!
Ben said he’d be here, but he’s missing.
Um, when did you say the performance would be? Are you sure it’s tonight?
Did they say they would get here early? 彼らは早くここに着くと言いましたか?
Which singer did she say was going to be there? 彼女はどの歌手がそこに来る予定だと言いましたか?
Lisa said she was going to be busy this month, so I didn’t ask her.
Yes, she’s coming. She said she’d bring her own book.
Didn’t Laura say she would get a few extra tickets?
Kevin didn’t tell me that he was going to bring his girlfriend!
The translation of the title in English is “Happy Day”.
タイトルを英語に訳すと “Happy Day”。
It’s supposed to finish at ten. 十時に終わるはずだ。
Let’s put them on the table. それらをテーブルの上に置きましょう。
Is that the real sculpture, or is it just a copy? それは本物の彫刻ですか、それとも単なるコピーですか?
I can’t believe I’ve been friends with you for 20 years!
あなたと 20 年間も友達だったなんて、信じられません!
Wow, it’s good to see you! I haven’t seen you in a while!
うわー、会えてうれしいです! しばらく会っていません!
- The book cover is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean the story is good.
本の表紙は美しいですが、ストーリーが良いというわけではありません。 - Have you heard of the artist who paints with vegetable juice?

- I think my favorite part of the play was the intermission. The wine was really good, and they had some amazing snacks! He’s talking about…
the refreshments
- How many scenes did you say there would be in this play? The first scene lasted one hour, and I’d like to be home before midnight! The speaker thinks the play…
is going to be very long
- The concert’s about to start! When did Paul say he was going to meet us? I’ll text him and find out where he is. Paul probably…
hasn’t arrived yet