英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション7のユニット13、“Debunk American clichés”(アメリカの決まり文句を否定する)を取り上げます。
セクション7では「抽象的なアイディアや意見について話す」(I am able to discuss abstract topics, such as hopes, goals, and projects.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2024年11月時点の情報となります
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It’s a myth that you can afford anything you want here.
My first impression was that everyone had a truck!
Oh, that’s a myth!
It’s a lot more diverse than I expected.
It seems that everyone loves football except me.
No, not necessarily.
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
The movie was full of clichés, so you may not have enjoyed it, but I enjoy these kinds of movies! 映画は決まり文句だらけだったので楽しめなかったかもしれませんが、私はこういう映画大好きです!
In movies, it might seem that everyone in the US loves burgers, but they don’t! 映画では、アメリカ人はみんなハンバーガーが大好きであるように見えるかもしれませんが、実はそうではありません。
In the movie, I thought Tom and Amy were enemies, but they were lovers after all! 映画ではトムとエイミーは敵だと思っていましたが、やっぱり恋人同士だったんですね!
The movie might have been unrealistic, but it was funny! 非現実的な映画だったかもしれないけど、面白かったです!
He might not have liked the movie, but I like movies that are unrealistic! 彼はその映画が好きではなかったかもしれませんが、私は非現実的な映画が好きです。
That scene was unrealistic, but after all, it’s only a movie. あのシーンは非現実的でしたが、所詮は映画です。
Cheerleaders don’t always compete, but they can still be competitive.
Are all cheerleaders girls? チアリーダーってみんな女の子なの?
The thing that I enjoy most about being a competitive cheerleader is the dancing.
American dream
My parents moved to the US because they wanted to achieve the American dream.
Is this the American dream? これがアメリカンドリームでしょうか?
Not all Americans are cowboys. After all, I can’t even ride a horse! アメリカ人全員がカウボーイというわけではありません。結局、馬にも乗れないんです!
You might not have been watching, but the cowboy was really handsome! 見ていなかったかもしれませんが、カウボーイは本当にハンサムでした。
You may not have known this, but that cowboy is a bad guy! I knew it because Mia told me. ご存知ないかもしれませんが、あのカウボーイは悪い奴なんです!ミアが教えてくれたので知っていました。
It might seem that cowboys don’t exist, but they do. カウボーイは存在しないように思えるかもしれませんが、実際に存在します。
first impression
My first impression was that everyone had a truck! 第一印象は「みんなトラック持ってる!」ということでした。
That was my first impression. それが私の第一印象でした。
What was your first impression of the US? What did you think it was like? アメリカの第一印象は何でしたか?それはどのようなものだと思いましたか?
When I arrived in the US, my first impression was that everyone was very friendly.
first sight
I’m not sure that I believe in love at first sight. I don’t think it’s real. 一目惚れを信じているかどうかはわかりません。それは本当ではないと思います。
Do you believe in love at first sight? あなたは一目惚れを信じますか?
When I first met your dad, it was love at first sight. I knew I loved him immediately. あなたのお父さんに初めて会ったとき、それは一目惚れでした。私は彼を愛しているとすぐに分かりました。
(not) necessarily
Not necessarily! 必ずしもそうとは限りません!
Drinking a lot of water is not necessarily a good idea during a game because you might need to use the restroom!
My new city is very diverse! There are many people from different backgrounds. 私の新しい街はとても多様性に富んでいます!さまざまな背景を持つ人がたくさんいます。
I never expected my new neighborhood to be so diverse! The people are from many different backgrounds. 私の新しい近所がこれほど多様であるとは予想していませんでした。人々はさまざまな背景を持っています。
This seems like such a diverse city with people from many cultures.
She has a reputation for being rude. 彼女は失礼であるという評判がある。
He has a reputation for lying. 彼は嘘をつくことで有名だ。
Today is my first day of school in the US, and everyone’s so welcoming! I really like it here!
They’ve been very welcoming! 彼らはとても歓迎してくれました!
No, that’s a bit old-fashioned. We split the check. いや、それはちょっと古いですね。小切手を分割しました。
It’s true. This town is old fashioned but safe. それは本当です。この町は古風だが安全だ。
I thought Mia wanted an old-fashioned wedding, but she doesn’t like the tradition of wearing a white dress.
American football players are really competitive. They like competing.
Our team will compete against their team next week. I heard they’re really competitive!
Are Americans competitive in sports? Do they like to compete?
It seems that baseball is very competitive. 野球はとても競争が激しいようです。
Tom is very competitive, so competing with him can be stressful!
might have 過去分詞
might have 過去分詞
She might have been wrong. She can be wrong sometimes!
Before coming to the US, I thought all Americans ate fast food every day. I might have been wrong!
I chose this class because it looked fun, but I might have chosen a difficult one!
Americans certainly don’t dress up for class! They might have dressed up 50 years ago though.
Tom might have seen me, but he definitely didn’t see my roommate!
I might have thought that all Americans were rich before, but I don’t think so anymore. 以前はアメリカ人はみんな金持ちだと思っていたかもしれないが、今はそうは思わない。
might not have 過去分詞
We didn’t know the suburbs were so dangerous! We might not have done enough research. 郊外がこんなに危険だったとは知りませんでした!十分な調査ができていない可能性があります。
I might not have been here yet in 2016. I don’t remember exactly when I moved.
2016 年にはまだここに来ていなかったかもしれません。いつ引っ越したのか正確には覚えていません。
If I hadn’t come here, I might not have learned what the US is actually like!
You might not have been aware of this, but the town doesn’t have any public transportation. ご存知ないかもしれませんが、この町には公共交通機関がありません。
Moving here might not have been a good idea. The city doesn’t have many opportunities!
If you don’t like big cities, it might not have been the best idea to move to New York.
shake (one’s) head
If you agree with me, why are you shaking your head? 私の意見に同意するなら、なぜ首を振っているのですか?
When I asked her if all Americans like football, she shook her head and said no.
Is it safe to assume you’re not going to see her again? 彼女に二度と会うことはないと考えても大丈夫ですか?
Now that we’ve been chatting for months, I assume you’d like to meet me face to face one day!
I assumed he was married because he was wearing a wedding ring.
上記以外のbe not sureを使った表現
Tom doesn’t believe in true love. He’s not sure that he’ll ever get married!
I’m not sure that I want to get married yet. I don’t think I’m ready!
Mia doesn’t talk to me anymore. I’m not sure that she loves me.
That’s just an old cliché. それは単なる古い決まり文句です。
Because I disagree with you! 私はあなたに同意しないからです!
Cool, I’m glad they’ve been kind. いいですね、彼らが親切でよかったです。
Are American students friendly? アメリカの学生はフレンドリーですか?
Why on earth did the boys paint their faces? They look so silly!
I heard that this old town is full of ghosts, but I think it’s just a myth. I doubt that ghosts are real!
- If you’re not sure that you like him, don’t ask for his phone number!

- Someone left a box of chocolates on my desk. I don’t want to jump to the wrong conclusion, but I think someone is in love with me! The speaker…
received a gift
- I don’t necessarily believe that table tennis is an easy sport. It seems that you have to be very fit to play it at a competitive level! He thinks table tennis…
can be difficult