英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション8のユニット36、“Express relief and congratulations”(安堵とおめでとうの気持ちを伝える)での出題パターンの1つ、「読んで答えてください」を取り上げます。
セクション8では「専門的な話題でも自信を持って会話をする」(I feel comfortable in English, and I can express myself spontaneously on a variety of topics.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2025年1月時点の情報となります
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- 参考情報としてご利用ください。本情報のご利用に基づくいかなる損害に対しても責任は負いかねます
- Never in my life have I worked so hard. It was tough, but graduating has shown me that I can be a very driven person when I want to be! The speaker…
did a lot of hard work
- Way to go getting your master’s degree! What a relief that must be. It sounds like you had to work hard at it, so great job staying focused! The speaker is…
happy for a friend
- My tutor was very honest. He told me I was the least dedicated learner he had ever seen, and he was astonished that I had gotten my degree. According to the tutor…
the learner was lazy
- Aside from my studies, my college days have taught me another extremely admirable skill: the ability to fall asleep anywhere, at any time! Nowadays, she…
can fall asleep easily
- I’m glad to be graduating and proud of the dedication I’ve shown, but I’m also a bit sad to be leaving college. I’ll have fond memories! The speaker…
will miss college
- You’ve made an admirable effort, Ramesh. Never before have you had to show this amount of dedication to anything, but it was all worth it! The speaker is…
impressed with Ramesh
- Wishing you all the best in the future! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed higher education, and I hope you make learning a lifelong goal! The speaker is…
expressing good wishes
- I got a card from Grandpa saying “Wishing you lots of luck! You’ll need it in today’s job market.” He tends to be a bit negative sometimes. She says Grandpa’s message…
wasn’t entirely cheerful
- At the graduation, my aunt told me that I’m the first person in all the extended family to complete higher education. I never knew that! What’s he talking about?
some surprising news
- I may have completed my English degree, but my lifelong journey of learning has only just begun. Can’t wait to learn Spanish next! The speaker…
plans to continue learning
- Way to go, guys! We all have master’s degrees! I know there were moments when we got discouraged, but we stayed focused and we did it! Who’s speaking?
a college graduate
- You had to work hard at this, John, but you never let yourself get discouraged. You showed amazing willpower. Congratulations on graduating! John…
was very determined
- If someone achieves something, you might show that you admire this by saying, “Wow! You did it!“ 「You did it!」の意味は?
You succeeded!
- Graduating is an accomplishment because it’s a hard task that you completed successfully. 「accomplishment」の意味は?
something you achieve
- To accomplish something is to reach one of your goals. 「accomplish」の意味は?
- If you want someone to feel proud of something they’ve achieved, you might say, “Way to go!“ 「Way to go!」の意味は?
Well done!
- To draw someone’s attention to all their achievements, you might say, “Look how much you’ve achieved!” 「Look how…」の意味は?
It’s amazing how…
- If you work hard at learning English, you push yourself a lot to learn it. 「work hard」の意味は?
make a big effort
- If you’re driven, you really want to reach your goals, so you try hard to achieve them. 「driven」の意味は?
determined to succeed
- Willpower is the ability to control yourself and avoid bad behavior. Successful people often have willpower. 「willpower」の意味は?
- If you get discouraged, you start to feel less confident that you’ll achieve a certain goal. 「get discouraged」の意味は?
become less hopeful
- If something is academic, it is connected to education or studying. For example, a textbook is an academic book. 「academic」の意味は?
related to learning and schools
- Wow, did you really stay up all night studying? Sounds like you need a rest! 「Sounds like…」の意味は?
It sounds like…
- When you finally relax because a stressful situation is over, you might say, “What a relief!“ 「What a relief!」の意味は?
Thank goodness!
- If you finish a college degree, you can then do a master’s degree, which can also be called a “master’s.” 「master’s degree」の意味は?
a type of advanced degree
- To stay focused is to keep your attention on a certain goal or project. 「stay focused」の意味は?
not get distracted
- A learner is anyone who is trying to learn a new skill or gain knowledge. You’re a learner on Duolingo! 「learner」の意味は?
someone who studies
- If someone does a task in a way that you admire, you might say, “You did an admirable job.” 「admirable」の意味は?
deserving respect
- I am very impressed by your dedication. You put so much effort into your studies, and you never gave up! 「dedication」の意味は?
hard work
- A dedicated student considers their studies to be important, so they put in a lot of effort. 「dedicated」の意味は?
- “It was all worth it.” This means you’re satisfied that you achieved a goal, even though it required lots of effort. 「It was all worth it.」の意味は?
- After finishing high school, many people continue studying in higher education. 「higher education」の意味は?
college or university
- If you work online, having good computer skills will probably benefit your career. 「benefit」の意味は?
- “Learning is a lifelong process.” This means that as long as you’re alive, you never stop learning. 「lifelong」の意味は?
lasting all your life