英語学習アプリ「Duolingo」で取り上げられている英文をまとめて学習につなげる「Duolingo英語術」、今回はDuolingoのセクション6のユニット21、“Communicate with doctors”(医師とのコミュニケーション)を取り上げます。
セクション6では「会話の中でより複雑な意見を伝える」(I can express myself appropriately depending on the context.)ことがテーマになっております
- 2024年11月時点の情報となります
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It’s normal to have a few aches when you’re pregnant.
What other symptoms do you have?
I feel pain in my ear after I swim.
We’ll need your health insurance information, please.
It’s too early to start the treatment.
Your results will be uploaded to the website tomorrow.
- 別の表現例…ここでは、Duolingoで正解扱いとしている別解が設定されているものについて記載しております
- 本ユニットでは英文のみ登場します(日本語訳はありません)
My health insurance will cover the cost of the surgery, but I have to pay a small hospital fee. 手術費用は健康保険でカバーされますが、少額の入院費を支払わなければなりません。
After surgery, you’ll need a wheelchair until you’re strong enough to walk.
Will this surgery be covered by my health insurance? この手術は健康保険でカバーされますか?
The surgery will take an hour, and then, you will be taken to a different room to recover. 手術には1時間かかり、その後は別の部屋に移動して回復します。
Mark had to have surgery on his foot because it was broken.
Our health insurance covers one night in the hospital, right? 私たちの健康保険は一晩の入院をカバーしますよね?
The hospital bill needs to be paid by the end of the month. 入院費は月末までに支払わなければなりません。
Yes, he’ll be in the hospital for a while. はい、彼はしばらく入院することになります。
You shouldn’t drive yourself home from the hospital. You need to be driven by someone else.
Yes, it’s perfect for people in wheelchairs. はい、車椅子の方にも最適です。
Patients who are in wheelchairs can use the elevator to get to the second floor.
I need to use a wheelchair for a while because I broke my leg last week.
Kevin has to use a wheelchair for a few more weeks, but he’ll be able to walk again soon. ケビンさんはあと数週間車椅子を使わなければなりませんが、すぐにまた歩けるようになります。
I use a wheelchair to get around.
She has a fever, but that’s her only symptom. 彼女は熱がありますが、それが彼女の唯一の症状です。
Poor Adam has a fever, headache, and sore throat, which are all symptoms of the flu!
She has a fever, but that’s her only symptom. 彼女は熱がありますが、それが彼女の唯一の症状です。
Yes, my main symptom is a stomachache.
Chef Lisa had cut her thumb last week, but it’s feeling much better now!
Mary broke her thumb, so she can’t hold a pen easily.
I get the worst toothaches when I eat ice cream. アイスクリームを食べると最悪の歯痛になります。
I have a headache, and I’ve been feeling very weak. 頭が痛くて、とても体がだるいです。
Bob, the doctor told me that I’m pregnant. We are going to have a baby! ボブ、医者は私が妊娠していると言いました。赤ちゃんが生まれる予定です!
I’m pregnant. 私は妊娠しています。
I never knew pregnant women could be so scary! When my wife wants something, she wants it now!
medicine / pill
My throat is hurting now, but the medicine needs to be taken at night.
The medicine has to be given to the patient at exactly 3 o’clock. You can’t give it to him before then!
This medicine needs to be taken with food. You can take one pill every two hours. この薬は食事と一緒に服用する必要があります。 2時間ごとに1錠ずつ服用できます。
I am taking a new kind of medicine that needs to be taken at night.
These pills need to be taken with a meal twice a day.
For aches, this medicine needs to be taken once a day.
Oh no! I’ve hurt my ankle, and now I won’t be able to dance in the performance! なんてこった!足首を痛めてしまい、本番で踊れなくなってしまいました!
Oh no! How did he hurt himself? なんてこった!彼はどのように自分自身を傷つけたのでしょうか?
My ears sometimes hurt when I catch a cold. 風邪をひくと耳が痛くなることがあります。
How did you injure your hand? Did you hit it against something? どうやって手を怪我したのですか?何かにぶつけたのでしょうか?
After being injured for a year, I’m very weak. I need to get strong again! 怪我をして1年が経ち、私はとても弱っています。また強くならなきゃ!
How did you injure your foot? Did you fall? どうやって足を怪我したのですか?落ちましたか?
I need to talk to the doctor about my skin problem. 私の皮膚の問題について医師に相談する必要があります。
Why does my skin feel so terrible? I probably need to see a doctor!
My poor skin looked bright red because I’d sat in the sun all day! 一日中太陽の下に座っていたので、私の貧しい肌は真っ赤に見えました!
Yes, it’s good for your skin!
The skin on my arm feels really hot!
They want to be taken seriously. Why don’t you ever take them seriously? 彼らは真剣に受け止められることを望んでいます。なぜそれらを真剣に受け止めないのですか?
I want to be taken seriously! 真剣に受け止めてもらいたい!
Don’t worry
Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll be fine. 心配しないでください、お母さん。大丈夫ですよ。
Don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll be OK. 心配しないで。きっと大丈夫です。
Maria had to reschedule her doctor’s appointment because she was too busy at work.
The appointment has to be made two weeks in advance. Did you make the appointment yet? 予約は2週間前までに行う必要があります。もう約束はしましたか?
These forms need to be signed. You can sign them after your appointment. これらのフォームには署名が必要です。約束後に署名することもできます。
What day is the new appointment? 新しい予定は何日ですか?
Grandma requested an appointment with a female doctor.
My doctor’s appointment had to be rescheduled.
You can’t keep rescheduling the appointment forever!
She’ll be taught how to change a bandage. The doctor will teach her. 彼女は包帯の交換方法を教えられるでしょう。医者が彼女に教えるでしょう。
Of course the patient wants to be seen immediately! Everyone wants to see the doctor right away! もちろん患者さんはすぐに診てもらいたいと思っています。誰もがすぐに医者に行きたいと思っています!
We’ll send you the test results soon. They will be sent to your doctor as well. すぐにテスト結果をお送りします。医師にも送付されます。
The doctor is recommending a treatment for Anna’s illness. 医者はアンナの病気の治療法を勧めています。
I’d like to request a female doctor.
has to be 過去分詞 / need to be 過去分詞
We’re filling the patient’s first prescription right now, but the second one still has to be filled. 現在、患者の最初の処方箋を記入していますが、2 番目の処方箋をまだ記入する必要があります。
Did a child sign this? The paperwork has to be signed by an adult.
The bills need to be paid on time! Why are they always late?
When I was checking my email, I could hardly see the words! My eyes need to be checked!
will be 〜ed
This treatment is a little complicated, so the instructions will be explained carefully.
Yes, we’ll call you. You will be called as soon as we know the results. はい、電話いたします。結果が分かり次第、お電話させていただきます。
My finger bled a little when I accidentally cut it. 誤って指を切ってしまい、少し血が出ました。
Yes, that’s why she has a bandage on her hand. そう、だから彼女は手に包帯を巻いているのだ。
That’s strange! I can’t hear anything with this ear! それは変ですね!この耳では何も聞こえない!
If you don’t want to hear about it, cover your ears! 聞きたくないなら耳を塞いでください!
Miss Smith wants to be taken outside. Can you take her? ミス・スミスは外に連れて行かれたいそうです。彼女を連れて行ってもらえますか?
Do you have health insurance, sir? 健康保険はありますか?
At least George’s health insurance is paying for half of his medical bills!
All their treatments are one-hundred percent natural.
- Bob hit his head on a shelf by accident. It bled a little, but it didn’t hurt. When his wife saw him, she screamed and called nine-one-one. Bob’s wife…
was worried about Bob
- I think I might need to stop swimming. I always have an earache after I swim. I wonder if water is getting in my ear. After he swims…
his ear feels bad
- Tom often requests doctor’s appointments for Friday afternoons since he gets off early on Fridays. If he goes then, he won’t miss work. Tom prefers to see a doctor…
after work
- I’m a bit worried about my daughter. She’s getting lots of headaches and often feels weak. I hope it’s nothing too serious! The speaker’s worried about…
her daughter’s health
- My health insurance isn’t great. I’m still paying for my last surgery, so before I have this one, I want to be told how much it will cost. The speaker’s talking about…
the price of the surgery